Angel Whispers – Self Sabotage

How many times have you believed you were responsible for something negative in your life? Self-sabotage is usually defined as a behavior that creates a problem in your daily life or interferes with your goals. The most common forms are procrastination, self-medication (drugs or alcohol), self-harm (such as cutting), or habitual patterns of self-destruction such as stress eating, not leaving enough time for rest, or avoidance of exercise. These may be subtle activities of your normal life, which makes them easy to ignore! (tee hee)

Any activity that interferes with your intent is self-sabotage. Conscious awareness of self-sabotage is one thing, but then there are the subconscious forms. Forgetting to renew your insurance and getting into a fender bender, for example. How many times have you aimed for the moon and shot yourself in the foot? You’re thinking about setting boundaries in a relationship, only to tell yourself you will speak your truth after binge-watching Season One of Yellowstone.

What causes self-sabotage? Last week we touched on heuristics, a mental shortcut used when facing a complex problem. Heuristics are often used with self-sabotage. Example: I will leave the relationship before they abandon me. By doing so, I’m satisfying some deep internal need to avoid potential pain. What about the energetics behind self-sabotage? So many questions mean it’s time for a whisper:

Several energetic issues are connected to self-sabotage. Low self-esteem is energetic constipation that drives self-worth issues. If a person believes they are unworthy, they may subconsciously create situations that prove their projected image of self. Imbalance in the human energy center dedicated to personal authority leads to procrastination in areas that might normally provide nourishment for the spirit within. An energetic imbalance in the power center affects victims of abuse, which can lead to behavior reflecting a need for control. Control energy dominates the vibrations of any environment, often serving to attract people and situations misaligned with the individual. Boredom can influence a subconscious reaction that creates drama.

Many sensitive people experience the imposter syndrome. They may not believe they’re qualified to do what is being asked, so they can easily manifest failure. Conspiracy theories add a layer of energy which can lead to thoughts of victimhood and defeat. An unseen enemy lurking in the shadows can easily impede performance. Patterns of self-destruction are associated with depression or anxiety, which can often be traced to energetic imbalances.

To leverage change, one must deviate from usual patterns related to existing conditions, environment, relationships, and lifestyle. It takes strength, commitment, vision, and willpower to take actions toward actual change. Self-awareness marks the beginning of movement away from self-sabotage. With the awareness that comes from observing behavior, reactions, emotions, and thoughts, new self-schemas can be cultivated and developed. Every challenge has helped you become a better human, so stop being so hard on yourself and find ways to fall in love with life and the person you are destined to become.

Bring joy, ease suffering and create beauty, then dance like you mean it!
Blessings, Russell

“I decry the injustice of my wounds, only to look down and see that I am holding a smoking gun in one hand and a fistful of ammunition in the other.” Craig D. Lounsbrough

 Angel Whispers – Self Sabotage