When someone says, “You are being tested,” how do you feel? Someone recently shared how much they disliked the expression, especially when the speaker brings in God as the source of the challenging experience. Their reason was simple: They didn’t always do well with tests in school, so the mere mention of a test brought the potential for failure. Failing in the eyes of God compounded the feeling.
Any blemish on our self-esteem can show up in a variety of situations. A test can prove how good and strong I am, unless I fail. (tee hee) Tests are critical examinations, observations, evaluations, or trials that are often unsolicited or, in my friend’s case, unwanted. With all the challenges faced in the last two years, many have ‘being tested’ fatigue. Can we get have a time-out from dealing with so many problems? I believe the Earth is the realm of testing, where souls travel into the body to experience growth and development through facing challenges.
Valuable lessons and important information always come from our trials and tribulations, but that is not always clear in the moment. So how do we embrace being tested and move forward from failure without a heavy heart? Let’s get a whisper on being tested:
When not being tested, you are playing it safe and staying in your comfort zone. This is the basic tenet of survival and a place that harbors more fear than courage. Every individual is capable of outstanding achievements beyond what seemed possible. Each soul is a unique wonder of creation, waiting to experience life unrestrained.
Without the occasional challenge, the system degrades and weakens in the absence of an obstacle. The opposite is true when multiple challenges occur and are embraced. Any performance challenge experienced in one of the major areas of passion forces a person to test their limits, to overcome adversity, and to inspire flight away from the comfort zone. Internal strength is the greatest leverage used to overcome any form of resistance.
Your finest version of yourself will remain hidden without adversity and therefore cannot materialize. Spirituality, health, relationships, career, and areas that hold your interest and passion contain the energy of resistance equal to the level of potential performance. Without the resistance, there is insufficient energy to support the focus, inspiration, dedication, commitment, or courage to draw forth the experience that leads to a reward.
Being tested is what generates freedom and autonomy through the development of character, traits, and skills. The trials of life bring people together in a bonding experience. Connectedness opens the heart to the best version of self, bringing fulfillment, happiness, and joy. The search to find and experience love is a journey that will bring high-pressure situations so that you will perform at or above your highest potential. Embrace the ride and feel the thrill your soul experienced during its freefall to Earth.
Note: While writing this whisper I received an email with the subject line “Shop Test Instruments” (tee hee)
Bring joy, ease suffering and create beauty, then dance like you mean it!
Blessings, Russell
“In the moment we’re born, we’re drawn to form a union with others. An abiding drive to connect, to love, to belong. In a perfect union, we find the strength we cannot find in ourselves. But the strength of the union cannot be known until it is tested.” Emily Thorne