Angel Whispers – The Body of Love

Humans are multidimensional, multi-faceted beings. Several dimensions of energy make up the electromagnetic field or human aura. Each dimension is a connection point between the physical and non-physical. The sixth layer of energy is known as the Body of Love. This is the spiritual, emotional plane, where a person will feel things such as bliss and spiritual ecstasy. When we reach the place of divine love and interconnectedness, generally through deep meditation or prayer, we are filling this plane with an energy that extends throughout our celestial body. Raising our level of awareness or consciousness to the sixth level of the aura, we have a connection from the heart chakra and the celestial chakra. During this state, we can love not only our fellow citizen (the heart chakra) but do so with divine love (celestial chakra).

Compromise of energy in this field can indicate a loss of identity that leads to questioning why they are here on Earth. Cleansing this dimension can recalibrate the entire energy system with new vibrations that match the core of the soul and the original template from birth. When this dimension is vibrating at the highest rate, a person can experience a love for life and zest for living. Not only does consciousness have unlimited potential for moving awakening energies, it also has an unlimited potential to shift in any moment. Consciousness can, and sometimes does, shift from contracted states of fear, anger, or hurt to expanded states of peace and joy in an instant. Consciousness has no fixed state. Have you been experiencing contraction or expansion at this time? Let’s expand into a whisper as we touch the celestial dimension:

In a three-dimensional world designed for testing and growth, the challenges in life can lead to an internal build-up of emotional residue connected to past experiences. Residual energy can lead to clogs in the energy channels and imbalances in the various dimensions. Overcoming the emotional experiences of the past involves a process of awakening. Awakening energies occur in small doses and large moments of expansion.

Consciousness is an energy that moves and flows where human energy goes. Having no qualities of remaining unchanged, consciousness states are determined by a person’s reactions, conditions, beliefs, actions, and thoughts. Unhealthy attachments influence vibrations that reduce the flow of life-force energy. When life force is low, it is challenging to lift the vibrations to an expanded state. Low vibrations indicate being in a contracted state of consciousness.

The only true way to raise vibrations so they extend into the Body of Love is to open the heart. Sensitive people are often very giving people, but have closed their heart as a defense mechanism to avoid intense hurt and pain. Experiencing life in a complex manner, those with a tender heart might use methods of numbing or protection. Awakening energies provide an internal cleansing of the residual energy. Moving upward through the system, the energy of light and love removes emotional debris.

Freedom from the past and from unhealthy attachments allows for an expansion to occur. The result is blissful joy or the feeling of love moving outward, touching others with divine connectedness. To fall in love with life, free yourself from the past by living in the moment.

Bring joy, ease suffering and create beauty, then dance like you mean it!
Blessings, Russell

“Love is made up of three unconditional properties in equal measure:

1. Acceptance
2. Understanding
3. Appreciation

Remove any one of the three and the triangle falls apart.

Which, by the way, is something highly inadvisable. Think about it — do you really want to live in a world of only two dimensions?

So, for the love of a triangle, please keep love whole.”

Vera Nazarian

 Angel Whispers – The Body of Love