Angel Whispers – The Observer

I love people-watching because it provides an opportunity to observe human nature. Last week’s energy patterns around seeking the truth by looking in the mirror brought self-evaluation by observing my nature. The seeker inside has to agree to be a conscious observer in order for growth to occur. The trick is evaluating without any ego interference with the truth. Everyone might agree on the premise that we live in a fast-moving environment. As conditions change, the seeker looks to optimize each decision.

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We are our own entity, with the power to modify our plans to fit the circumstances. As a detail-oriented observer, I need critical information to keep me on the path. Even the most subtle form of energy can have an impact that changes my destiny. If I can’t correct my own behavior through observation, then I am destined to live within old patterns. Some might call observation practices a form of mindfulness.

Change can be difficult for creatures of habit, yet staying the same has its own challenges. There is the path of least resistance, which is often littered with false assumptions. This is where the observer comes to the rescue with a dose of reality. I might not welcome the truth, but some part of me invites the opportunity to explore. That’s the explorer inside. So I have the observer, the seeker, and the explorer. All have separate impulses. My impatient part just asked me to stay on track by asking for a whisper on the observer:

Being a conscious observer means honing a set of skills. One is the ability to isolate some part of yourself from the stimulating immersion with life. Non-biased observation helps see the source of thoughts and behaviors. Whatever is out of alignment can be noted as having a sometimes unhealthy effect on you and others.

Self-observation can appear as opposition to being present or in the flow, but this is not the case. Both the observer and the observed are in a connected state of consciousness. This is not a divided state of being or an escape from the present moment. What bonds the two together is the heart. Trust is a heart energy that creates unity through actions modified to align with change.

Constructs created by observing nature can provide a sharp contrast to perceived reality. This may appear as opposition to what one thinks is a known truth. Coming from an analytical place of assumed wisdom blocks intuition. Internal guidance can act to shut down self-observation. The resource known as life-force moves in channels to deliver or return vital energy. To re-source is to bring a new understanding to information seen through a different lens.

Energy leaks caused by stress can drain the system. Change often brings stress associated with moving into the unknown. The only way to target success in a fast-moving landscape is through conscious observation. With an accurate assessment of conditions and how they relate to the goals, one can become the change they want to see in the world.

Observe the way you feel in different circumstances to know who you are and what you can be. In a moment of observation, love will find you.

Bring joy, ease suffering and create beauty, then dance like you mean it!
Blessings, Russell

“We try so hard to instruct our children in all the right things―teaching good from bad, explaining choices and consequences―when in reality most lessons are learned through observation and experience. Perhaps we’d be better off training our youth to be highly observant.” Richelle E. Goodrich


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 Angel Whispers – The Observer