Angel Whispers – Are You an Ontologist?

The word ontology comes from the Greek words onto-, which means being or that which is, and -logy, which means the science of or study of. Parmenides of Elea, a Presocratic Greek philosopher, was among the first to propose an ontological characterization of the fundamental nature of reality. Ontology is the philosophical study of being. By that definition, most whisperees must be ontologists! Parmenides proposed an ontological characterization of the fundamental nature of existence, that nothing comes from nothing and existence is external. This view would lead to the belief that truth is false or deceitful, which led to fundamental concepts of philosophy.

From a more traditional standpoint, ontology is one arm of metaphysics that deals with questions around what entities exist and what group an entity belongs to, as it relates to hierarchy. Some philosophers contend that all nouns refer to entities. The mind, as an entity, refers to all mental events that a person has experienced.

The study of ontology involves asking a series of questions. I must be an expert ontologist because I ask a LOT of questions! (tee hee) What is the meaning of life? Can an object leave total existence? What entities exist that we know nothing about? Is there a hierarchy with all life forces, including those that are not of this Earth? Questions and more questions means it’s time for a whisper on ontology:

Ontology is the study of being through discoveries made with the use of language. All forms of communication depend on language, which includes non-verbal expressions transferred through the senses. Knowing who you are depends on the experiences that create the perception of your reality which determines the primary nature of personal views on existence.

As humans evolve to reach higher levels of awareness, unification of energy is in movement toward the formation of one entity of consciousness. For the entire human species to reach such a unified position, language is the determining factor. Curiosity inspires one to question their own existence and to create conditions in the search for truth that illuminate a way of being. The belief that the world was flat left no choices that would allow experiences within a vertical reality. Ascension while in the physical body is achieved by elimination of linear thinking as a way of being.

Science explains life in a way that brings greater understanding of the truth of existence. With greater understanding comes greater awareness, supporting freedom from the need for hierarchy or separate entities. Oneness can be achieved by the evolved souls who agree to form a collective conscious through vertical movement. The freedom from limitations is the release from the necessary controls forced by a hierarchal system of learning.

In order to reach higher states of consciousness, one must reach certain levels of self-awareness. This can be achieved through ontology by those with a thirst for knowledge and a desire to understand life. Ontology is the language of the soul that speaks through the energy of love. Humans hold the energy of being a single thread in the tapestry of the Universe.

Bring joy, ease suffering and create beauty, then dance like you mean it!
Blessings, Russell

“We can speak and think only of what exists. And what exists is uncreated and imperishable for it is whole and unchanging and complete. It was not or nor shall be different since it is now, all at once, one and continuous.”

“Thou canst not recognize not-being (for this is impossible), nor couldst thou speak of it, for thought and being are the same thing.”
― Parmenides

 Angel Whispers – Are You an Ontologist?