Angel Whispers – Predictability

We make predictions frequently, sometimes with our unconscious minds. Our assessment of the future can be an assumption or an educated guess based on the data we have collected. This is called quantitative. Predictability describes the likelihood something will occur. If we are guessing, this is called qualitative. Some systems can be forecast to a high level of accuracy. Others contain elements that make accurate predictions almost impossible.

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Instinct and intuition are senses we use to anticipate the outcome. Predictability can usher in safety and security. For example, a routine can be predictable. Eating meals, bedtime routines, and timed activities make life more predictable. There is grounding and stability in a pattern that does not change its routine. Research has shown that a predictable routine has a positive impact on cognition, development, and emotional stability. Transitions become easier when there is a structure in place.

Fun activities, spiritual practices, and regular meetings become rituals to the system. Managing time and emotions leads to greater flow in life. The discipline needed to stick with a routine has the ultimate payoff. It allows for greater flexibility when the unpredictable happens. The system is less stressed when you can predict what will happen. If you’re wrong about one thing, there is less of an impact when everything else is predictable. Like right now, chainsaws are disturbing my peaceful, calm, writing mode. Who could have predicted the neighbor would have a tree company show up before 8am (tee hee)? I do know that the writing will continue! There is qualitative predictability around the weekly routine of writing the angel whispers.

Developing a routine and sticking with it can demonstrate the power of predictability. Stable energy flows around likelihoods, even when they fail to manifest. Humans lower their natural resistance when increased likelihood prevails in the environment. Acceptance of change is flowing energy from a heart that has built the courage to face unpredictability.

Even when some part of you didn’t see what was coming, there is another part that did. Anticipation of response is evoked by intuition, which is highly accurate for an empath. Trust is the heart energy that has overcome perception of betrayal. Karma will always bring a blind spot, but even that can be anticipated as part of the structured system of the Earth.

People respond in ways that can be hard to predict on one level. On another, their response can be completely predictable. It comes down to your level of emotional stability. If your energy system is unstable, any unwelcome change could lead to anger, frustration, and negative positioning. Stability is achieved through discipline with a regular routine. The routine places you in a safe cocoon of energy, despite external disturbances.

What you create in your environment will ultimately affect your personal growth and development. A predictable environment has discipline. Oppression created by too much rigidity inhibits breath. Letting the ego find fault opposes flow. Taking responsibility for your life is the qualitative approach to eliminating resistance. Every action is in the name of love and every reaction is movement toward love on your journey back home.

Bring joy, ease suffering and create beauty, then dance like you mean it!
Blessings, Russell

“Meaning is part of an object to the extent that it acts upon intelligence in a predictable way.”
Douglas R. Hofstadter


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 Angel Whispers – Predictability