Angel Whispers – Punch List

The days of my historic restoration career in construction are long gone, but I do miss aspects of that part of my life. My dreams are filled with working on structures, and I am sure there are deep meanings to the recurring theme. One of the last duties to finishing a project was to walk through the job with my client to form a punch list. Together, we would point to anything missing, unfinished, or unsatisfactory. The punch list might include marks on the walls, imperfections in a finish, a missing screw, etc. In other words, we were looking for anything that was wrong. Once we spotted an issue, it went on the punch list to be addressed by whichever contractor was responsible.

It’s human nature to point to flaws and imperfections in life. It’s not human nature to create an action list and take measures to change a condition. When something is wrong, some people get stuck assigning blame, which can block taking action. How do we move beyond the identification of the flaws in our lives, to take responsibility and change the conditions? Can we change our nature to direct our focus toward the positive aspects of the world in which we live? Is there a way to avoid getting punched by another person’s list? (tee hee) The questions are piling up, which means it’s time for a whisper:

In order to experience spiritual growth, one must make conscious decisions. One choice is to rise above the problems in order to look at life from an elevated position. Lifting the energy within to view life from the lens of the Higher Self means breaking the bonds to the lower emotional energies. Because this is the major obstacle that humans face in their own personal development, the task in not an easy one and is often connected to life purpose.

Creating a punch list is one way to open a path to peace. By identifying the issues in life that need to be addressed, the mind can map out a strategy. By simply creating the blueprint that resolves issues, the mind, body, and spirit can relax. Any release of tensions can further the plans to make life better. The outcome is less important than illuminating the path ahead. Life is about the journey more than the destination.

Holding a space in life that allows moments of gratitude can create a break from dealing with the problems, while lifting the energy within to reach human dimension occupied by the Higher Self. The better part of you can seek to acknowledge the positive things to direct your gratitude. Thankfulness brings balance to life by harmonizing opposites. Your destiny is created by the series of choices each day brings. Where will you place your energy today?

Choosing to focus on the imperfections in order to change conditions must be tempered by the choice to focus on the positive. The choice is not light or dark, but how to maintain balance between the two opposing forces. Without this balance, how will you fall in love? Learning to love your life attracts more love and is ultimately your responsibility. Blaming others creates a whirlpool of negative emotions that lead to darkness. Trusting in yourself opens the door to standing in your power and claiming your place on this Earth. In your power, you will discover the power of love.

Bring joy, ease suffering and create beauty, then dance like you mean it!
Blessings, Russell

“Rename your “To-Do” list to your “Opportunities” list. Each day is a treasure chest filled with limitless opportunities; take joy in checking many off your list.”
Steve Maraboli

 Angel Whispers – Punch List