Angel Whispers – Self Indulgence

Self-indulgence defines behavior with the sole purpose of gaining pleasure for the self. Self-indulgent behavior can also involve not doing something. It’s easy to confuse the search for happiness with the feeling of instant gratification. Feeling pleasure from doing whatever you want is almost impossible for an empath. Self-indulgence greatly impacts our society.

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Dr. Marcel Vogel believed that it was everyone’s responsibility to face negative energy. Failing to address my inner world can blow up in my face (tee hee). We all know people who are not interested in self-improvement or spiritual growth. Self-indulgence makes it almost impossible to contribute to society or experience any sense of real purpose. Extreme behavior can limit the chance of living with meaning. The psychological and physical consequences can be vast and immediate.

Some might blame trauma for all extreme behaviors. What is not easily explained is why some people experience trauma, yet still manage to act responsibly. Extreme behavior around self-indulgence can center on the sense of entitlement. I sense there might be a connection between self-indulgence and a deep-seated shame. It’s easy to see there is a lot of subtle energy around this subject. Speaking of subtle energies, let’s turn to the divine realm for a whisper on self-indulgence:

Self-indulgence greatly limits the chances for a wholesome, connected life experience. When perceiving a consequence illuminates the anguish of irresponsibility, understanding will follow. Accountability comes when the satisfaction from living a life of purpose is realized. Purpose can take many forms. You will recognize purpose when conscious of motive.

Leverage is needed to break the pattern of self-centered behavior. Awareness and self-realization provide such an advantage. Disengaging with self-indulgent actions leads to engagement in the pursuit of meaningful connection. Experiencing positive outcomes through authenticity will nourish all relationships. The reward follows such efforts.

Many will learn that what they thought would be fulfilling is a contribution to emptiness. Humans exist to connect with others in the co-creation process. Connection defines a meaningful life on Earth. Balance is the key to maintaining a meaningful existence. It may be difficult to understand consciousness. But it is the energy surrounding you that manifests creation.

Some level of self-indulgence can be fundamental to living a happy life. Lowering deficiency in human needs will expand consciousness energy. Understanding the difference between needs and desires will help dismantle the ego. Where self-indulgence meets self-control is where you will find balance. Discipline leads to the freedom you seek on the journey toward self-actualization. Pure love does not contain anxiety, for it flows like a river to the sea of nourishment.

Bring joy, ease suffering and create beauty, then dance like you mean it!
Blessings, Russell

“And he told me that anything more than twelve minutes of personal pain was self-indulgence, which did more to jerk me out of the state of complete numbness I was in than anything else could have done” Neil Gaiman


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 Angel Whispers – Self Indulgence