Angel Whispers – Spiritual Zygote

During a recent energy assessment, there were indicators of an unusual energetic issue. From the whispers of spirit I heard the words ‘spiritual zygote’. Don’t you love whispers from spirit that express an intelligence way over your head? (tee hee) My general sense was that something both physical and spiritual had occurred under pre-natal conditions to create an imbalance. In addition, the issue had manifested to include the symptoms of intense pain and was diagnosed by Western medicine as a rare condition.

The cell formed by the union of a male sex cell (a sperm) and a female sex cell (an ovum) is referred to as a zygote. The zygote develops into the embryo following the instruction encoded in its genetic material, the DNA. The unification of a sperm and an ovum to form a zygote constitutes fertilization. Upon discovery of this information during the assessment, my client disclosed that a surgeon had expressed finding something in the leg muscles that could not be easily explained.

It was time for the detective in me to get on the illuminated path to uncover the truth to help resolve the issue. My general sense was around a feature in the DNA and the possibility of something similar to Vanishing Twin Syndrome. Some additional cells may have bonded to my client during the embryo stage of development. Anything the body considered foreign could cause disharmony that manifested as the body attacked a part of the union of cells. My curiosity is mounting, so let’s get a whisper on the mystery of a spiritual zygote:

Beyond the physical dimension there is no hard rule, despite the order of the Universe. Endless possibilities exist in the non-physical dimensions. Many potential combinations of elements bonding to each other can develop to exist beyond human comprehension. The spiritual zygote message was an answer to a question of the mystery of life. The curious mind would need to move beyond any limitations to see the possibilities.

The zygote represents pre-formation of two distinct energies, merged to form a bond. The masculine and feminine dominant energies with separate features connected through Quantum Entanglement. The result is a unique individual with bonded particles of spiritual energy. New forms of life defy biological science to allow for humans to grow and evolve.

Soul patterns are not experiences, rather a cosmic energy with repeating vibrations. Such frequencies represent an invitation to transcend any division through adaptation that brings harmony to polar opposites. Expansion into a reality beyond most conceptual theories requires movement through some challenging life lessons. A spiritual zygote defines the mystery of human existence to create knowledge, wisdom, and a future that holds an inevitable change with the human species.

Surrendering to love is opening to change through balancing the energy between opposing forces. Such is the nature of evolution, which is to exceed the limits of normal physical experiences.

Bring joy, ease suffering and create beauty, then dance like you mean it!
Blessings, Russell

A zygote is gamete’s way of producing more gametes. This may be the purpose of the Universe. Robert Heinlein

 Angel Whispers – Spiritual Zygote