Most people I know are interested in self-development and movement toward living in a more advanced state. We have just defined progression with that statement. From the position of human psychology, progression is the forward flow of mental or psychic energy. It is an innate psychological force that motivates...
Angel Whispers – Savoir-faire
On the weekends, I have a gig as a DJ at car show events. I love coming up with a playlist and watching the people both young and old start to dance! This is one example of how music plays a big role in my life. It can be...
Angel Whispers – False Positivity
How many times have you heard a guru, teacher, or psychologist encourage gratitude for healing? I will admit guilt in this area myself, since I encourage the practice with my coaching clients. It came into my awareness that there may be a dark side to the gratitude practice. Researchers...
Angel Whispers – The Vibe
A question arose this week on raising vibrations – the vibe. For those interested in raising their vibrations, a need for discovery is part of the answer. Answers usually lead to more questions (tee hee). What is the reason for living in the lower vibrations, and what do we...
Angel Whispers – Stand
I was blindsided by a recent comment made by one of my children. During the course of what seemed like a routine discussion, he asked, “For once, will you stand up for me?” I was so taken aback, I didn’t even respond. A part of me thought the question...
Angel Whispers – Intimacy
After getting into a debate over the meaning of intimacy, I decided to write a whisper. When searching for a definition, I found the reason for debate. The meaning of the word that resonated came from the National Institutes of Health. Intimacy is the quality of a relationship in...
Angel Whispers – Wind
For those of you who tuned into last week’s whisper, you may know it started out as wind. Then something happened that turned it into subliminal. Was it distraction, a detour or a misdirection? When I asked for this week’s whisper, I heard wind again. It doesn’t seem like...
Angel Whispers – Subliminal
The word ‘wind’ came to me when asking about this week’s whisper. Of course, the wind was really blowing hard outside at the time. Was the message subliminal? (tee hee) Subliminal means below the threshold of stimulation. It’s something that affects the mind without conscious awareness. There is a...
Angel Whispers – Innovator
Innovation is the conception or the use of a new idea or method. It can involve the ability to conceive, develop, and deliver something new. An innovator knows how to do the practical implementation of an idea. That concept results in the introduction of an improved product or service....
Angel Whispers – Conspiracy
Amplified by the challenge of living in a modern world, conspiracy theories have gained traction. A bubble in the social media theater helps determine how we consume information. Every conspiracy has some shred of truth, so it’s easy to allow fear and uncertainty to influence beliefs. The appeal of...