
Angel Whispers – Unwinding


Working in the healing arts has been an interesting second career choice. It was my answer to a calling. My desire to be in services fueled several manifestations. The Crystal Light Table and the metaphysical training platform are examples. Many great teachers supported the information I share with others....

Angel Whispers – Johari Window

johari window

This whisper dives into a model for self-improvement. Building on the subjects of three selves and blind spots, let’s dive in! Johari combines the first names of two people who focused on the original idea to improve communication. Joseph Luft and Harry Ingham were American psychologists interested in enhancing...

Angel Whispers – Blind Spot

blind spot

Have you ever been mystified at the inability to see a harmful trait or characteristic? Maybe I couldn’t trust some part of me or wasn’t ready to see the truth. Perhaps my value system would be upended if I agreed to deviate from my nice little comfort zone. It’s...

Angel Whispers – Three Selves

three selves

It doesn’t seem fair that it takes a crisis to evoke some level of awakening. I experienced the proverbial mid-life crisis myself. It was the darkest time in my life. Whatever it takes to find the light! Deepak Chopra was writing about the three selves. One is the public...

Angel Whispers – Collaboration


Collaboration may not be what you think (tee hee). Moving about the world with some idea that I wanted to share describes my starting point. I must work with others to optimize my very existence. That means sharing myself in a form that involves high levels of trust. Doesn’t...

Angel Whispers – Tradition


When a family member decided to break from tradition, the impact was devastating. Beckie and I reacted with great distress. At first, I believed our reaction was connected to the loss of our granddaughter. That may be true, but there was more than grief that surfaced over the holidays....

Angel Whispers – Filtration


Science and philosophy can provide key answers to our human spiritual experience. These two overlapping areas of study can bring great insights to expansion of human energy. Understanding how things work helps me tap into the mystical side of life. In order to survive in a world of uncertainty,...

Angel Whispers – Progression


Most people I know are interested in self-development and movement toward living in a more advanced state. We have just defined progression with that statement. From the position of human psychology, progression is the forward flow of mental or psychic energy. It is an innate psychological force that motivates...