
Angel Whispers – Gemini Moon


Gazing up at the last full Moon of 2021, I can easily see how humans have been intrigued by the dazzling spectacle since the dawn of time. The full Moon is a highly volatile lunar experience with galvanizing energy that evokes tidal waves from the celestial satellite. Illuminating a...

Angel Whispers – Disrespect

disrespect by brene brown

This past weekend, I experienced a high level of disrespect directed at me from someone I love. If you want to dis someone, then exhibit some rude behavior, act unimpressed, or elevate your own self-importance to a level that makes you far superior! Add some arrogance with a pinch...

Angel Whispers – Spontaneous Visual Imagery

visual imagery

Spontaneous visual imagery occurs during meditation and provides a common theme in my experience of working with clients. Seeing unfamiliar faces in rapid succession has been described countless times in the debriefing stage after a crystal light table or energy session. Jordan’s description sparked my curiosity this week. Thanks,...

Angel Whispers – Just Say No!

just say no

Reading an article by a highly successful billionaire led to some interesting food for thought. His advice: Just say no. The explanation was equally simple. People who are ambitious can easily fall into the trap of saying yes to everything. The search for an opportunity lures a person with...

Angel Whispers – Melancholy


We often define melancholy as a feeling of pensive sadness, typically with no obvious cause. The difference between sadness and melancholy is that sadness is an emotion, while melancholy is a state of mind. We all feel sadness at some point, but it can easily pass with a little...