Angel Whispers – Autonomy

Autonomy is defined as freedom from external control or influence. Most relate autonomy to independence. In psychology, autonomy is self-governance and taking personal responsibility. When it comes to independence, we have to consider relatedness as part of our nature as social beings. (tee hee). Relatedness and autonomy are intertwined in the sense they define independent living. Both represent human needs and social constructs.

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Codependency is the polar opposite of independence, yet is a way of relating. Too much emphasis on individualism can create distance from being able to relate to others, or even to connect, for that matter. Independence is more than self-reliance. It is more a personality aspect used to express your uniqueness. But can relatedness and autonomy coexist? Some might answer with an emphatic yes, as they are both human needs.

Relatedness might be more developed in those who are conscious of social conditions. We relate to define the scope of individual conformity. Autonomy influences competitive behavior, which places more emphasis on control and mastery. Can you relate well to others without being competitive? Balance between autonomy and relatedness produces the highest level of independence. It feels like time for a whisper from the autonomous subtle energies known as angels:

Humans are biologically designed to function in a three-dimensional environment. They hold a universal repertoire that can vibrate to match information. Each person holds a propensity to not only adapt, but to build core strength around different modes of autonomy and relatedness. An individual will define themselves by the personality attributes used to express independence and to connect with others.

These two areas will fortify awareness and consciousness. Collective consciousness information will transfer through the ability to relate. Individual consciousness will expand through autonomy and independence. A perspective between the two will provide the lens through which life comes into focus. Harmonizing these two energies can lead to balanced expression through self-actualization. Compassion will shine a light on those making a genuine connection with their eyes wide open.

In the struggle of life, two hearts can touch with a bond of love that is eternal. Such a deep connection will depend on the level of autonomy achieved, combined with the level of desire for relatedness. Making such a connection will not be mistaken. The imprint on the soul will leave a lasting impression with the karmic mark of destiny. When such paths cross, the vibrations emitted by two will reverberate a resonant light into the Universe.

There is nothing more intoxicating to the spirit than a connection of autonomous beings who meet on their journey. Open your heart to the experiences of such relatedness, but remain standing in the light of your independence.

Bring joy, ease suffering and create beauty, then dance like you mean it!
Blessings, Russell

“The essence of independence has been to think and act according to standards from within, not without: to follow one’s own path, not that of the crowd.”
― Nicholas Tharcher


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 Angel Whispers – Autonomy