Angel Whispers – Ruin

A whisperee sent a question asking what it means to believe they had ruined their life. My answer was part whisper and part reflection. Ruin implies irrevocable damage of some kind. Immediately you get the sense of the subjective nature involved in such an inquiry. The mere concept leaves a lot of room for a negative bias to enter the internal monologue. (tee tee) Determining what defines ‘damage’ will differ depending on perspective.

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Your value system, self-esteem, and sense of worth attached to things can produce a range of emotions. I am a product of my life experiences, memories, and all the meanings embodied along the path. Any feelings arising from the heart of this type of question will come from the rawest part of who I am. Who can provide a satisfactory answer to the question of self-damage to life? Yet the courage to ask such a question gives something of value that is quite unexpected. Is this true human connection?

The question itself is part of a search for connecting to our own spirit. If we can make that connection, we’re better equipped to deal with the unknown of tomorrow. From the shadow of our thoughts and memories, we see things that are dark and fuzzy. It can become a type of psychological addiction to keep looking through the dark images of the past. Why? Because it is stimulating. Gratification is less stimulating. We can become zombies searching for life’s meaning in the ruins. The life-giving food found in the darkness is anything that gives us something to feel good about. Let’s get a whisper to feel good about such work involving the shadows:

Shadow energy is where you will find answers if personal growth is the desired model for your path. The lens through which you view life will determine the amount of negativity influencing a bias. Cognitive dissonance adds to a level of discomfort felt when reviewing the past. The current perspective can contain a bias. Behavior that is misaligned with values and beliefs influences the feeling of ruin.

Without gratitude, there is only a sense of entitlement, without hope for the future. The conflict between hope and despair adds resistance to the process of adaptation. A state of beliefs in suspension can dominate the energy, leaving one feeling stuck or unable to move. Decision paralysis is a standard feature of times when undergoing a major transition.

It does take courage to step back and assess one’s behavior. A subjective conclusion can give rise to the greatest positive shift in consciousness. Failure and mistakes give the knowing and the feeling of potential success. With every emotion, the vibration of its polar opposite presents information. Duality lessens with stability of working your life mission in the positive.

Realization that you have tamed what lives in the shadows and are living in the present with hope is the sign of movement from darkness into the light. Every life experience is valuable, even when you’re feeling defeated. The ability to overcome builds the character that aligns with your core values. Living in alignment is the embodiment of an expanded conscious awareness. Out of the ruin comes a life purified by salvation.

Bring joy, ease suffering and create beauty, then dance like you mean it!
Blessings, Russell

“Everybody is equally weak on the inside, just that some present their ruins as new castles and become kings.”
Simona Panova


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 Angel Whispers – Ruin