Angel Whispers – Conflict

There are four basic types of conflict: conflict with the self, conflict with others (involving groups), conflict with the environment, and conflict with the supernatural. Conflict with the self, the internal battle within, is often the most powerful. Without conflict, the stories of our lives don’t carry the same meaning and there is not much to tell. Conflict gives purpose when it gives rise to action and change. Unity, peace, and everyone singing Kumbaya is not the aim for most. (tee hee)

A conflict exists when the reduction of one motivating stimulus involves an increase in another, creating a demand for actions and some form of adjustment. Powerful impulses, such as fear, anger and hostility, are disapproved of by most cultures. As children we learn failure and refusal to acknowledge such deep-seated energies. A person can become anxious without understanding why. They might not bring rational thinking to bear on the situation. The consequence can be deadly.

The unconscious element of conflict can have deep roots. To bring conformity means changing beliefs, attitudes, biases, and prejudices. Even with motivation, resistance is often stimulated by that which we cannot see. Let’s listen for a whisper from the unseen world:

The human soul is not ready made; it is a formation of light-based architecture in process. That process is a search for answers to meaning and purpose. Stimulus or something that motivates movement and action can only facilitate growth at the soul level. An illness might motivate changes in lifestyle. An injustice can motivate the voice of a person or group of people. Tragedy can motivate healing. Desire moves a soul toward passion and love.

Humans seek stability through finding the balance in an ever-changing environment. Change cannot be avoided in the search for homeostasis. Even with a conflict that seems relatively minor in scope, failure to claim your voice might leave greater dissatisfaction than moving to front of an issue. To walk away rather than engage could feel like choosing the path of least resistance, which could lead to a build-up of internal energy or compression of emotions. The internal conflict is there despite any failure to acknowledge.

Harmonizing opposing energies within the self defines personal levels of internal peace, despite a chaotic and turbulent world. The soul learns growth and experiences a higher vibration, not by avoiding or engaging with conflict, but by the spirit’s ability to handle the energy. Strength from within starts with clarity around stimulus and motivation, the key ingredients of human energy. With clarity, the energy within has the best opportunity to remain stable, giving the soul the ability to rise above the dense energies sometimes found in conflict.

Experience will guide you with confidence, and love will guide you with clarity.

Bring joy, ease suffering and create beauty, then dance like you mean it!
Blessings, Russell

“Unless one lives and loves in the trenches, it is difficult to remember that the war against dehumanization is ceaseless.” Audre Lorde

 Angel Whispers – Conflict