Angel Whispers – Dual Consciousness

Dual consciousness is a theoretical concept that defines an internal conflict arising from processing information that leads to opposing positions. Some might argue the opposing thoughts, beliefs, expressions, and considerations stem from the conscious mind verses the unconscious mind. We live in a world with information at our fingertips, so it’s relatively easy to stitch together information that fits a narrative that satisfies our minds. (tee hee) One product of the information age of technology is wild, unfounded conspiracy theories and extremely lazy arguments that seem to provide easy answers to complex problems.

One example of someone experiencing dual consciousness comes from the writings of a man of color who describes being treated in a way that led him to believe he did not belong. Yet some part of him countered those feelings with the knowing he DID BELONG, with every right to exist equally. Covid has been politicized to make some believe there is no virus, or the danger is with a vaccine, only to find themselves touched by the opposing reality. Processing information can impose fear, psychological distortions, and living in a state of internal opposition.

Dual consciousness can be described as internal conflict stemming from the undercurrent of life in an oppressed society. When my processing has led to conflicting conclusions, I like to simplify the opposing positions by asking myself one question: Does the information empower me or make feel like a victim? I go with empowerment every time. So let’s see if we can feel empowered by information from an angelic source on the subject of dual consciousness.

Conscious awareness provides a linear approach to problem-solving, while subconscious influences are largely non-linear in the formation of conclusion. Impressions reaching the depth of energy known as the soul can support beliefs that are illogical and unsupported by factual information. Once an undeniable truth has been realized at the depth of the subconscious and super-subconscious, changing long-held beliefs and positions can be extremely challenging.

Becoming aware of the internal conflict is a major step toward resolution. A direct experience of dealing with an issue provides distance from counter-beliefs formed through abstract information, hypotheses, or conspiracy. Everyone is searching for answers to complex problems, and many experience symptoms of traumatic stress, which can lead to distortions. Some conclusions can be reached by giving in to lazy arguments because they seem to provide simple answers.

Cleansing the energy of the soul can be mentally and emotionally painful, so it is easier to maintain the current status as opposed to doing the work. This separates those who are seekers from those who avoid the path of discovery. One must be ready and have the courage to face a harsh and bitter reality while living on the Earth realm of testing. Movement toward the light of higher consciousness is often motivated by the sense there is nothing left to lose.

Dual consciousness presents the opportunity to decide from the sacral or feeling dimensions, which removes the mind from the struggle and opens expressions from the heart. Without the external influences, internal peace provides the love that unites all levels of consciousness.


Bring joy, ease suffering and create beauty, then dance like you mean it!
Blessings, Russell


“In all things purely social we can be as separate as the five fingers, and yet one as the hand in all things essential to mutual progress.”
W.E.B. Du Bois

 Angel Whispers – Dual Consciousness