Angel Whispers – Losing Focus

Focus is the center of our interest or activity. Inspiration is mostly what drives mental activity to make sense out of our experience, to rationalize, and to understand the patterns and vibrations in the Universe. Out of these activities, there is a constant pressure that stimulates the imagination in a unique model that leads to conceptualization and perception of life. From this model, we get to seek answers in an attempt to satisfy our most burning questions about life.

Even with a walk around the block, I’m easy stimulated by the outside world by just about every shiny object I see! (tee hee) I can think about things that steer me down the wrong road. Then suddenly I look up and feel lost, scattered, and far removed from my goal or home. While my mind is chattering away, I can get mentally and emotionally overwhelmed. The next thing that happens is a lot of wasted time and energy trying to get back on my path. See what a little inspiration can do! I have to learn to develop strategies that lead me to a greater ability to discern which inspiration is worthy of devotion.

According to my decision-making strategy, I can allow myself to play in the intellectual field of my dreams where curiosity is channeled to correct timing. By using such self-awareness, I will not lose my focus on what is most relevant. I can remain on the path of my priorities and still be inspired by those shiny objects. Now what did I just come up with? I see a shiny object in the room, which must mean it’s time for a whisper on losing focus:

Sensitive and empathic people are the most susceptible to outside stimulation that removes them from their inner world. In the current age of evolution for the human species, the focus is on the mind and intellectual pursuits (Aquarius) that awaken the senses. Because we have left the age of the heart (Pisces), there is currently a sizable gap between the heart and mind. This is the time for the evolving soul to build a bridge between the two.

Success can be the experience with such an accomplishment, or bitterness can be the result of a perceived failure to reach the goal. Any successful outcome will depend on the discipline needed to channel resources into the highest level of personal evolution by raising the frequencies. Higher levels of focus are needed, but will come only with higher levels of self-awareness. One way to determine your current state is by taking a careful approach to identifying levels of stress. Higher levels of stress indicate more focus on the stimulation provided by the outer worlds. More calming energies demonstrate a more balanced energy coming from within and a successful bridge between the heart and mind.

From a place of calm, the space held by the heart is the essential ingredient to a successful decision-making strategy. Bring the stress down from the mental dimension to the level of the heart where peace and wisdom prevail. Self-awareness is lost with stress, and an overwhelmed spirt makes mistakes. To truly know yourself is to know your heart. Emotions can be easily intellectualized in the age of the mind, so it is essential to slow things down and know how you feel, not how you think you should feel. Your authentic self will keep you on the path with focused direction of resources, creating a beautiful bridge between heaven and earth.


Bring joy, ease suffering and create beauty, then dance like you mean it!
Blessings, Russell

“When you connect to the silence within you, that is when you can make sense of the disturbance going on around you.”
Stephen Richards

 Angel Whispers – Losing Focus