Angel Whispers – Repeating the Story

Talking to a trusted friend or therapist about your past challenges definitely provides a well-proven therapeutic effect. To tell the story of what happened can be the most courageous act you take, because you’re choosing to be vulnerable. In order to heal from trauma, repeating the story could be described as the essential ingredient on a path to wellness. But is the story a balanced perspective that includes how you overcame, what lessons you learned, and the blessing received from a “negative” experience?

Repeated behavior, like dating the same kind of person, is a psychological phenomenon in which a person repeats their story in thoughts or actions. Reenacting the event or the story can bring comfort because it’s familiar. Freud called this repetition compulsion, which he famously defined as the desire to return to an earlier state of things. Freud was more interested in the harmful behaviors that people kept revisiting in their story and believed that it was directly linked to what he termed as “the death drive” or the desire to no longer exist.

Repeating the story reinforces the thoughts, feelings, and beliefs that have become ingrained, and a pattern is born. We are the creators of our own energy, and during times of stress, worry, and anxiety, we repeat negative patterns because they are familiar, magnetic, and feel safer than any move toward change. This also describes the Law of Karma. So what is your story? Let’s create a positive look at the stories we tell with the help from spirit whispers on the subject:

Humans seek comfort in the familiar, which they can find in repeating the story, whether perceived as negative or positive. Patterns are created out of vibrations, so as long as a person holds the vibration of an event, they can get stuck in the repeating pattern of thoughts, behaviors, and actions. It takes spiritual leverage to change a pattern, but with awareness, simple measures can provide the leverage needed to create a positive change.

Emotions from events can become energy held or stuck in system. When the energy cannot find balance, the tendency is to repeat the story in an attempt to integrate what happened. The focus should always be balance, instead of the grand notion of moving on. A story always becomes part of the overall mechanism that is the structure of spirit. Balance is achieved through awareness and acknowledgment of the positive perspective on a negative event. In truth, the only difference is how the experience is perceived, instead of actual negative or positive.

Telling the story can be beneficial in working toward the resolution of internal conflict. Repeating the story with a focus on the negative can serve to sustain the tension. Stimulating the negative energy can bring resistance to the balancing process through what has become a familiar feeling. The pattern remains when the story develops a life of its own, an independent form of intelligence, and emotional content that creates a deep internal bond to the trauma.

Self-love, understanding, forgiveness, and bringing greater meaning with purpose to life can form a bridge to the spiritual heart where all pain is traded for peace. Tell the story to someone you trust, but refrain from repeating it to yourself and others. You are more than the story you tell and role you play. Never forget the soulful love that brought you here in the beginning.



Bring joy, ease suffering and create beauty, then dance like you mean it!
Blessings, Russell


“Each new day is a blank page in the diary of your life. The secret of success is in turning that diary into the best story you possibly can.” Douglas Pagels

 Angel Whispers – Repeating the Story