Angel Whispers – X-points

Throughout history, there have been philosophical discussions on predicting the future. Some believe our path is pre-determined. To them, our actions playing out are the only way to change the future. Disciplines used to predict an outcome are as diverse as the people who engage in such activity. My current focus has been making predictions for corporations. New-thought leaders love the mystery!

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Writing reports has been an interesting process. I find that after 800 weeks in a row of writing angel whispers, I can hardly separate my activities. After about three paragraphs of a report, the words and the writing changes (tee hee). The beauty is my heart and mind are open to the twilight learning experience. There were so many aha moments writing about the process of making predictions, I had to share.

The study of X-points brought a level of understanding to an age-old activity. Everyone engages in the process, whether consciously or not. This is a peek at what is going on behind the scene when it comes to making predictions. Let’s learn more about X-points:

Each individual has strings that pull them toward events in their lives. To probe the arcane is to seek truth from within. The study of Universal Laws helps us understand and analyze the vibrations within. Everyone has their own situation and circumstance. Understanding and acknowledging the truth of your reality gives clarity for action. This is dharma.

The Law of Destiny is a Universal Law that brings order to the Cosmos. In the same way, human laws bring order and organization to society. With the mysteries of life organized by Universal Laws, magnetic forces align. Exploring the subtle realms leads to understanding one’s place in the world. The Law of Karma is often thought of as punishment, but it is really meant as a form of compensation. Karma is medicine for the soul and a Universal teacher in the school of life. Every action has a consequence. Nature fills the void left in the wake of your actions.

The axiom of such laws dictates a path that is not-pre-determined. Instead, destiny is marked by vibrations that serve to increase probability. Predicting the future is peeking behind the veil to measure three vibrations. One vibration is the current path. Another is within the free will of an individual. The third is in the environment or the outer world. Where these three streams of energy meet, an X-point is formed. This point of connection holds a special vibration because it contains all three.

When it comes to a corporation, the same X-points exist. The difference is they are not as stable. They hold the dynamic influence of economies, earth energies, human intervention, and current conditions. Each vibration will respond in alignment with Universal Laws. In predicting the future, look at X-points to determine the highest potential timeline, outcome, favorability, and alignment. Any measurement occurs in a single moment of time. Predictions are projecting the X-points. Vibrations can shift due to all determining factors, extending, retracting, or eliminating the X-points. Human intuition is in touch with vibrations, often to the point of prophecy.

Bring joy, ease suffering and create beauty, then dance like you mean it!
Blessings, Russell

“When the number of factors coming into play in a phenomenological complex is too large scientific method in most cases fails. One need only think of the weather, in which case the prediction even for a few days ahead is impossible.”
― Albert Einstein


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 Angel Whispers – X-points