
Angel Whispers – Value


Do you find yourself spending time around people who don’t seem to get what you have to offer? Are you always on the defense, trying to prove yourself to this person? Does that type of incredulity make you question your own worth? If the answer is yes, it might...

Angel Whispers – Coping


Coping mechanisms are behaviors and cognitive efforts that help manage or reduce stressors in life. Modern literature would identify two types of coping styles. The first is a problem-solving style of coping. This is a mental approach to controlling the outcome in order to lower stress. An example might...

Angel Whispers – Construct


A construct is a system of ideas containing various conceptual elements. A construct is more subjective than based completely on evidence. We develop our own constructs to help see how this crazy world works. In doing so, we make sense out of our experiences. Intuition uses a construct the...

Angel Whispers – Grudge

There’s nothing like the holidays if you want a front-row seat to witness a good old-fashioned grudge. My mother once ‘borrowed’ some shoes from her sister while she was out. They never spoke again. In their later years, when my mother went to her house to patch things up,...

Angel Whispers – Context


Like many Americans, we have a Thanksgiving dinner with family and friends. But there is one person who is notoriously late. During each holiday, we found ourselves letting the meal get cold. Waiting on one person and their family became a pattern. The fix was to tell them the...

Angel Whispers – Polarization


The polarized mind describes thought processes involving an absolute point of view. In the clutches of an unwavering belief, the mind becomes burdened by rigidity. Actions appear reckless, hateful, and vengeful. Such a state of mental conflict can disturb the otherwise peaceful vibe. Ideology can used to create polarization...