
Angel Whispers – Dual Consciousness


Dual consciousness is a theoretical concept that defines an internal conflict arising from processing information that leads to opposing positions. Some might argue the opposing thoughts, beliefs, expressions, and considerations stem from the conscious mind verses the unconscious mind. We live in a world with information at our fingertips,...

Angel Whispers – Codependency


Some see codependency as an ailment of the body, mind, and spirit, similar to an addiction. Addictive behaviors of codependency mostly relate to people and relationships, but can cover a range of activities. Codependency is a set of behaviors connected to unhealthy soul attachments that can affect the most...

Angel Whispers – What’s Next?

sympathetic overdrive

Have you ever been so focused on something that you seemed to reach your goal suddenly or out of the blue? Perhaps the goal was very lofty or one that seemed impossible. Or maybe it was a long-term goal with many small goals linked together in arduous process. The...

Angel Whispers – Lucid Dreams

lucid dreams

Lucid dreams are those that occur when you know you’re dreaming while you’re asleep. I have studied this subject extensively since it has become my common experience that includes dreaming in chapters, in real time, and continuation dreams days apart. In lucid dreams you’re aware that the events flashing...

Angel Whispers – Are you an Empath


The ability to understand the experiences and feelings of others is one way to define empathy. An empath often lacks the filters necessary to keep from experiencing excessive stimulation through absorbing the energy of this environment. Empaths are highly sensitive and able to interpret feedback from other sources to...

Angel Whispers – Reptilian Theory


A recent exchange with a client in great distress went like this on my end: “Let me get this straight. You believe you are being manipulated by an elite group of bloodthirsty, flesh-eating, extra-terrestrial, shape-shifting, reptilian humanoids who are out to gain control of the world by obtaining positions...

Angel Whispers – Perfectionism


Being perfect is really challenging and I should know! (haha) Seriously, perfectionism can be the consequence of a blocked Solar Plexus. This energy center holds divine principles around personal power and self-esteem. When out of balance, anger, procrastination and perfectionism can ensue. Perfectionism can provide a sense of meaning...