Many people express disappointment when told their central life purpose revolves around money and power. Those two words can send the most spiritual person running! (tee hee) It’s not uncommon to speak about money and power during an intuitive reading, usually because of energetic blocks or resistance. One common...
Angel Whispers – The Power of Prayer
About half of my clients are Christians at various levels of devotion. My work with clients is non-denominational. I want to help people without imposing my belief, so I get to hear others describe their spiritual makeup. Some have given much thought to their spiritual beliefs, while others have...
Angel Whispers – Over-Apologizing
Some people never apologize, while others apologize for everything, including things well outside their control. Recent studies show women apologize more than men. In a society where people seem to thrive on an outcome that declares winners and losers, the apology is an admission of guilt or wrongdoing denotes...
Angel Whispers – Working Things Out
With all the stress experienced by the average American, it’s easy to put everything together to form one big stress-ball (tee hee). I’m guilty of that myself, but at least I have the awareness and the tools to cope with multiple challenges. In my early thirties, I heard a...
Angel Whispers – Magical Thinking
According to, magical thinking is the belief that one’s ideas, thoughts, actions, words, or use of symbols can influence the course of events in the material world. Magical thinking presumes a causal link between one’s inner, personal experience and the external, physical world. For example, “An angelic guide...
Angel Whispers – Affirmations
In my energy-healing practice, it can become beneficial to give homework that helps the client move beyond a disharmony. Self-affirmations, spoken or written, can provide the spark needed to create change or healing. Statements designed to bring positive beliefs are part of the psychological immune system. More than answering...
Angel Whispers – Genetic Drift
Humans have lived for centuries under the constant threat of extinction. Predictions of world-ending events have been made since the beginning of time and are often predicted to occur within the lifetime of the predictor. Christian predictions refer to the scriptures in order to support such hypotheses. Polls conducted...
Angel Whispers – Happy New Year 2019
From Beckie, myself, and all of us at the IEL Institute for the Spiritual Arts, we are wishing you the best for the coming year. Please watch the video message on goals and intentions. As we close out 2018, we welcome the new energy around expressing your sensitivities and your...
Angel Whispers – The Spirit of the Holidays
It seems more and more like the holiday season starts October 1st and runs through the beginning of the New Year. Halloween decorations came out in my suburban Austin neighborhood at the beginning of October. Thanksgiving blow-ups immediately followed Halloween around the first of November. The weekend before Thanksgiving,...
Angel Whispers – Negative People
Research has shown that our happiness is influenced by the interactions within personal relationships. When someone close is mostly negative, the other person in the relationship can develop low moods, pessimism, anxiety, and general mistrust. Being constantly warned about the things they are doing wrong, hearing distrust and negative...