
Angel Whispers – Role Model

role model

Okay, let’s break this down. The word role means the function assumed or part played by a person or thing in a particular situation. Model refers to a system or thing used as an example to follow or imitate. The definition of a role model is someone who others...

Angel Whispers – Happy Place


In the movie Happy Gilmore, Happy’s golf coach taught him to relax into his game by taking a moment to go his ‘happy place’. For the central character (played by Adam Sandler) in the movie, his vision was one of himself in nature, sharing a drink with his girlfriend...

Angel Whispers – Conflict


There are four basic types of conflict: conflict with the self, conflict with others (involving groups), conflict with the environment, and conflict with the supernatural. Conflict with the self, the internal battle within, is often the most powerful. Without conflict, the stories of our lives don’t carry the same...

Angel Whispers – The Body of Love

body of love

Humans are multidimensional, multi-faceted beings. Several dimensions of energy make up the electromagnetic field or human aura. Each dimension is a connection point between the physical and non-physical. The sixth layer of energy is known as the Body of Love. This is the spiritual, emotional plane, where a person...

Angel Whispers – Learned Helplessness

Learned helplessness defines a behavior that has been conditioned by stressful or traumatic experiences, often originating from sustained anxiety or depression. With chronic anxiety, a person might eventually give up or avoid treatment because they believe their condition cannot change. Any situation where a person believes they are helpless...

Angel Whispers – Human Adaptation


Humans experience psychological adaptation, sometimes with the help of their mothers (tee hee). Psychologists link adaptation to concepts of evolution as a trait every organism has in common. We naturally select ways to serve a specific function in our efforts to behave under our conditions. Scientists have determined that...

Angel Whispers – Authority Figures

People have their own relationship with authority figures. I know I do! (tee hee) Some have compulsive reactions to an authority that may stem from childhood abuse, or go back even farther to an experience with persecution during a past life. Abuse of power is something we see every...

Angel Whispers – Healthy Fear


I see a lot of people becoming annoyed with others over their perception of how others express fears. It’s true that fear is uncomfortable for some and debilitating for others. Yet, ignoring fear is like removing the smoke alarms because you don’t like the sound they make when your...

Angel Whispers – Remote Distance Healing

distance healing

Nikola Tesla said electricity is like an incompressible fluid – it can neither be produced nor destroyed. Ether and electricity are associated with matter, but ether is not air. Ether is neutral energy that surrounds you. Static electricity is ether connecting to molecules. Equalization of ether tensions sets up...