
Angel Whispers – Animal Spirits

Many of you may not know that my first job in Austin was working for the Humane Society of Austin and Travis County in 1976. I started in Animal Rescue and advanced to Animal Cruelty Investigator. The curious seeker in me loves a good mystery, animal stakeouts, and hard...

Angel Whispers – Wants or Needs?

Drawing the line can be challenging when it comes to distinguishing between wants and needs. The energy center connected to basic needs is the Root Chakra, which deals with the material world, stability, grounding, taking care of ourselves, and taking care of others. When needs are not met, ungrounding...

Angel Whispers – Over-Apologizing

over apologizing

Some people never apologize, while others apologize for everything, including things well outside their control. Recent studies show women apologize more than men. In a society where people seem to thrive on an outcome that declares winners and losers, the apology is an admission of guilt or wrongdoing denotes...

Angel Whispers – Magical Thinking

According to, magical thinking is the belief that one’s ideas, thoughts, actions, words, or use of symbols can influence the course of events in the material world. Magical thinking presumes a causal link between one’s inner, personal experience and the external, physical world. For example, “An angelic guide...

Angel Whispers – Affirmations

In my energy-healing practice, it can become beneficial to give homework that helps the client move beyond a disharmony. Self-affirmations, spoken or written, can provide the spark needed to create change or healing. Statements designed to bring positive beliefs are part of the psychological immune system. More than answering...

Angel Whispers – Genetic Drift

Humans have lived for centuries under the constant threat of extinction. Predictions of world-ending events have been made since the beginning of time and are often predicted to occur within the lifetime of the predictor. Christian predictions refer to the scriptures in order to support such hypotheses. Polls conducted...