
Angel Whispers – Leap Year

leap year

We just experienced the Hunger Moon this week, setting the energy for the last week of February and the first week in March. We also received the gift of an extra day in 2024, due to leap year. The energies collided to make for an interesting finale to February....

Angel Whispers – Worldview


A worldview is a construct formed by making assumptions of a physical and social reality. Each individual makes their own comprehensive model. The result has a powerful effect on cognition and behavior. The worldview construct is one of the most studied in trying to understand human psyche. Why? you...

Angel Whispers – Dragon


The Chinese New Year is marked by the second new moon after the winter solstice. It all started with an ancient poem telling the story of 12 mythical animals. Each one descended from the heavens in celebration of the coming of spring. The 12 stations along the path to...

Angel Whispers – Free Radicals

free radicals

No, this is not a whisper about politics (tee hee). Biological free radicals are unstable atoms. These atoms have electrons available to react with lipids, proteins, and DNA. Along with oxidants, they can be toxic or beneficial. Free radicals can damage cells, causing illness and aging. They are made...

Angel Whispers – Distortion Field

distortion field

Have you ever believed someone was completely trustworthy, only to experience betrayal? I think I’m a pretty good judge of character, but have been proven wrong! (tee hee) This observation comes from the files of an intuitive reader. Recently, I was giving a reading for a CEO on an...

Angel Whispers – Desert


Over the past few months I have been returning to the desert in my mind. The journey of my thoughts is not a physical manifestation, rather that of my spirit. In the Bible, they speak of Moses leading the Israelites out of bondage and into the desert. For forty...

Angel Whispers – Eight


We’ve put 2023 into the archives of history, and what a year it was. With a vibrational signature focused on the heart, emotions ruled most decisions. Now that we have turned the corner, it’s time to look ahead. Our new year is an 8 in Pythagorean numerology. The vibration...

Angel Whispers – One Will

one will

In talking to someone about their blocked Throat Chakra, our attention went to the main issue. Creativity, seeing the whole individual and the One Will, represented a partial list of the issues. Each one could be in conflict with the prime function of the Throat Chakra. When my friend...