
Angel Whispers – Withdrawal Induced


Have you ever embarked upon a spiritual journey or focused on energy healing, only to experience a new challenge? What about experiencing an awakening that marked the beginning of some really unpleasant withdrawal induced symptoms? Did you do a simple detox or try to eat healthy, only to find...

Angel Whispers – Rapture


Did you know that the word ‘rapture’ has almost twenty different meanings? I was unaware until studying for this whisper. The most common meaning is the prophesied sudden removal of Christians from the Earth with the second coming of Jesus during the end times. This description of rapture is...

Angel Whispers – Your Mission


Working with people returning from active service brings a common theme to the discussion. Being in the military carries the cost of a commitment to a unique lifestyle in our culture. When leaving that way of life to return home, the letdown in one area can rise above the...

Angel Whispers – Highest Good

highest good

This term comes up repeatedly in religious and spiritual circles, both written and spoken. From a religious standpoint, we can boil it down to alignment with God. In philosophical terms, highest good means the principle of goodness in which all moral values are included. Supreme good might describe it....

Angel Whispers – The Love Trine


Consider the subject of love. One version of love includes the transient emotion that we know as love. We feel love toward a person, an animal, or an activity, for example. The second version is the energy of love or something that fills us during unplanned moments of unexplained...

Angel Whispers – Apophenia


Have you ever looked at a cloud and seen an angel? What about the odd sensation of seeing a human face in the bark of a tree? If so, you have experienced apophenia. This concept refers to seeing a distinguishable pattern in a random occurrence and applying meaning to...