Aristotle gave us a lot to think about (tee hee)! He must have considered that cultivating virtues was a big part of our life mission. To achieve greater alignment with our core means being guided toward certain behaviors. Courage, honor, generosity, kindness, and other virtues could not be followed...
Angel Whispers – Aspirations
Aspirations define our hopes and dreams. They are part of my life goals as seen from 30,000 feet. Aspirations provide the motivation to live a meaningful life. Like love itself, aspirations lead to living with a sense of purpose and direction. Aspirations are usually focused on the future. Unlike...
Angel Whispers – Impulse
This word has been coming to my awareness a lot lately. People, events, and circumstances can activate the impulsive mind. Without an impulse, the mind generally takes into account some considerations prior to acting. When you’re acting without thought to the consequences, an impulse creates sudden action. Then you...
Angel Whispers – Predictability
We make predictions frequently, sometimes with our unconscious minds. Our assessment of the future can be an assumption or an educated guess based on the data we have collected. This is called quantitative. Predictability describes the likelihood something will occur. If we are guessing, this is called qualitative. Some...
Angel Whispers – The Explanatory Gap
The “Explanatory Gap” is a reference to the space that exists between the mind and consciousness. It is somewhat of a label placed on the idea we cannot explain consciousness, at least not purely through the science of brain activity. Some would argue that the only thing you would...
Angel Whispers – Dichotomy
Dichotomy is a division or contrast between two things represented as completely opposite. We humans can be pulled into thinking things are either black or white. Comparing opposites can lead to having a rigid perspective on life. I observed this type of thinking while having a discussion with my...
Angel Whispers – Adventure
This word, adventure, can be defined in many ways. The traditional definition is an unusual, exciting, and typically hazardous experience or activity. What really defines adventure to me is uncertainty in motion. The most significant moments in my life are never predictable or safely contained. We push the limits...
Angel Whispers – Significance
While mowing the front yard, I miscalculated and slammed the mower into the gas light pole. It’s a remnant of days gone by, long since abandoned. When I hit the pole with a bang, time stood still. I was transported back to a moment in my childhood. Not more...
Angel Whispers – His Best Friend
This last Sunday was the feast day for one of the most influential people in my life. It has been 15 years since Danny passed, but he is never far from my thoughts. I had the honor of speaking at his funeral with over 1100 people in attendance. The...
Angel Whispers – Overused Words
We use words to express our thoughts and feelings. Many become our keywords for life! (tee hee) When those words become overused, they lose their meaning. A friend pointed this out recently, using the word trauma as an example. After overusing the word as the source of a problem,...