
Angel Whispers – Mirror


The energy of this week brought the image of the mirror into my Mind’s Eye. Moving into spring the week before Easter brings passion, renewal, and awakening. The natural world always mirrors the energy of the non-physical world. We are gifted the chance to reflect on this evidence with...

Angel Whispers – Monk Mode

monk mode

Does life get so busy that your priorities fall off the radar? The next thing you know, you are sucked into the maze of social media and online games. As you wake up the next morning with an EMF hangover, you start the day feeling bad about yourself. The...

Angel Whispers – Know Yourself

know yourself

Sounds simple enough. I can look in the mirror and let my mind define what I see. However, everything I THINK I know about myself needs to be validated. That requires going beyond the threshold of thought and into understanding. Have you ever done something but you could never...

Angel Whispers – Confidence


This word kept coming up this week, so I knew it was time for a whisper (tee hee). Confidence is self-assurance and a firm trust. In my research, I found four different types of confidence. It occurred to me that each type had human energy that supports the way...

Angel Whispers – Human Desire

human desire

We humans are unique in many ways. One of the most profound motivators in life is our human desire. It’s part of our basic nature to long for something greater than ourselves. Ultimately it’s the search for love that drives us to find a connection with God or the...

Angel Whispers – Fairness


Humans are the only species on the planet who evaluate fairness. But what does fairness mean? Some might say that fairness is getting compensation for hard work. I could confuse fairness with deservedness (tee hee). Does fairness mean equity or everyone receives equal treatment? Or is fairness is a...

Angel Whispers – X-points


Throughout history, there have been philosophical discussions on predicting the future. Some believe our path is pre-determined. To them, our actions playing out are the only way to change the future. Disciplines used to predict an outcome are as diverse as the people who engage in such activity. My...

Angel Whispers – Oversoul


In our last whisper we explored the Higher Self, which can be characterized as the center of our being. It’s the central consciousness moderator of the soul, spirit, heart, mind, and body. Several responded to that whisper with observations and more questions. This is a common theme in my...

Angel Whispers – Higher Self

higher self

Thanks, Anne, for asking the question of the year so far! It’s always an interesting process to look back on 15 years of writing, only to find not one whisper on the subject mentioned. With a topic that comes up almost daily, I have never thought about explaining the...