
Angel Whispers – Fractals


One of Edgar Cayce’s hypotheses was that human consciousness broke off into fractals. In an instant, theses particles of energy (some would call human souls) left ‘at-onement’ with God. The result was some of these souls descending upon the Earth. Their destiny was the experience of inhabiting a three-dimensional...

Angel Whispers – The Wounded Healer

wounded healer

Personally, I have been going through an interesting period of life. It seems like the Universe is delivering a daily reveal (tee hee). A revelation is defined as a surprising and previously unknown fact often delivered in dramatic fashion. A revelation can be a divine or supernatural disclosure related...

Angel Whispers – The Mystic


I had a session with a young man early in my career. He went home and told his mother, “Russell is a ‘Protestant Mystic’.” (tee hee). That is the first time I remember being called one. Mystic is one of those words that carry different meanings. A mystic is...

Angel Whispers – Fast Changes

fast changes

Have you ever been so focused on a goal, you never thought beyond reaching your target? A sudden change leads to the unexpected completion to a long-standing issue. You reached the end of a process with zero preparation toward what comes next. This seems to describe a common theme...

Angel Whispers – Masculine Energy

masculine energy

Masculine energy is expressed in one of three ways: positive, negative, or fake. To express positive masculine energy, I have to first honor my feelings. Before expressing with confidence, strength, and courage, I need to understand my emotions. Positive masculine expression is cultivated through meditation or looking deep within....

Angel Whispers – The Adrenal Glands

adrenal glands

According to Edgar Cayce, we are an exact replica of our Universe. Each endocrine gland represents a planet in our Solar System. Our heart the center, or our sun. The stars represent soul patterns related to behavior, demeanor, and personality. The realms of each planet manifests physically as dwelling...

Angel Whispers – Holding Space

holding space

With the world at a tipping point, many of us are being asked to hold space for others. But what does that mean? Holding is retention. Space is the distance between other people or things that a person needs to remain comfortable. Holding space describes opening my heart for...