
Angel Whispers – Ultimatum


Beckie and I have a combined seventy-five years’ experience as business entrepreneurs! Together we have created six businesses from scratch, despite warnings not to attempt working any business together as a married couple (tee hee). I was also warned not to work with friends. But all my business relationships...

Angel Whispers – Anima / Animus

anima animus

The anima and animus are described in Carl Jung’s school of analytical psychology as part of his theory of the collective unconscious. Jung described the animus as the unconscious masculine side of a woman, and the anima as the unconscious feminine side of a man, each transcending the personal...

Angel Whispers – An Optimistic Spirit

optimistic spirit

The movie titled The Secret started a wave of teachings and interest around manifesting, using positive thoughts and visualization. They left out one little detail around the way vibrations fit into the process. I talk to many who struggle to manifest their dreams while professing to be positive optimistic...

Angel Whispers – The Inner Life

inner life

The exploration of our inner life can be a lifelong process of discovery. The inner self is what some might call the soul. It’s natural to see the outer world in ways that inhibit knowing our inner self. Until we fully integrate balanced growth from the lessons and experiences...

Angel Whispers – Spiritual Zygote

spiritual zygote

During a recent energy assessment, there were indicators of an unusual energetic issue. From the whispers of spirit I heard the words ‘spiritual zygote’. Don’t you love whispers from spirit that express an intelligence way over your head? (tee hee) My general sense was that something both physical and...