
Angel Whispers – Framing


Christmas is one of those holidays where you see many different opinions on the spirit of the season. The framing effect is a cognitive bias in which people have decided whether something is a positive or a negative. Any bias is influenced by the way the information has been...

Angel Whispers – Overthinking

Have you ever done a whisper on overthinking and where the negative thoughts come from? My guides just said it originated from our childhood and the critical upbringing we had……. But I was wondering what your so eloquent guides may have to say about that. Thanks for the suggestion...

Angel Whispers – Fodder


I love words! It may be partly that I love creative communication. Some of you long-term Whisperees know this about me. Over the years I have coined words, terms, and phrases. Examples are RSS (Restless Soul Syndrome) and Spiritual Zygote. Over the last week, I began to spontaneously coin...

Angel Whispers – Maturity


While at the car wash this weekend, I stopped for a moment to observe my surroundings. It was Veterans Day, and I was reminded of my father’s passing 14 years earlier. As I looked around, it occurred to me how much the world he knew had changed. The woman...

Angel Whispers – Excuses


The other day, I jumped to a conclusion and immediately took action. Under most circumstances my approach might have been admirable. But in the end, I was dead wrong. Since I had already fired off an email telling the head honcho all the mistakes I had made, I found...

Angel Whispers – Disempower


I was having an exchange with one of my most favorite human beings on the planet. Our discussions revolve around business and his unique talent as one of the greatest lapidary artists in the world. They often start around some business-related issue, then lead us out into the Cosmos...

Angel Whispers – Remote Exposure

remote exposure

Despite the predictable scenes shown on the 24-hour news cycle, many are compelled to continue watching. Any form of hyper-vigilance indicates the challenge of switching the negativity off. Rumination is another sign of being pulled toward the negative. Trouble sleeping, anxiety, and heightened stress are signs of the hypo-arousal...

Angel Whispers – The Golden Mean

golden mean

Aristotle gave us a lot to think about (tee hee)! He must have considered that cultivating virtues was a big part of our life mission. To achieve greater alignment with our core means being guided toward certain behaviors. Courage, honor, generosity, kindness, and other virtues could not be followed...