
Angel Whispers – Luck


This week’s whisper was another request from Fernando, so thanks for being loyal and engaged with the weekly message! Some think that there is no such thing as luck, that it’s simply the roll of the dice (tee hee). Most of us observe others who seem to stumble upon...

Angel Whispers – Jealousy


Here’s a shout-out to Fernando for suggesting a whisper on jealousy. I thought this was already released as a whisper but found that was incorrect thinking (tee hee). Jealousy intensely combines emotions usually connected with romance. It’s a signal you are giving your mate or another person more value,...

Angel Whispers – The 2020 Forecast


The new decade has arrived along with the new energy it heralds. The themes for this year include a focus on focus (tee hee). Our passions will bring with them the need for centered, clear, visual definition. The repeating “2” will influence the areas of teamwork, relationships, and the...

Angel Whispers – Shoulds


It’s easy to drop into thoughts of ‘should have’ or accusations from others on what you should have done. The pressure of a should has little to do with events and everything to do with the energy around emotions and desires. They represent internal demands around your standards or...

Angel Whispers – Small Things

small things

Small things sometimes turn into big things in our life. Have you ever overlooked some seemingly insignificant detail, only to have that oversight blow up in your face? We are currently in an energy pattern that influences all the skeletons to come out of the closet for us to...