
Angel Whispers – Anastasis


Anastasis is defined as recovery or rebirth. The Ancient Greek origin of this word is ἀνάστασις which also means resurrection. Moving beyond the current uncertainty in the world will eventually take the form of recovery. Out of the ashes of a pandemic, Americans will experience a rebirth and a...

Angel Whispers – Common Sense

common sense

Common sense was once a reference to the five senses of the human body. It has changed over time to fit today’s meaning. Sound judgment in practical matters is the current definition of this term. A person with good common senses is rational, reasonable, practical, and down to earth....

Angel Whispers – Mass Hysteria

mass hysteria

Mass hysteria lives at the crossroads of sociology and psychology. The word “hysteria” is derived from the Greek word “hystera,” meaning “uterus,” attaching the condition as specific to women. The term used to describe any violent outburst of emotion gained such negative connotations, it was “retired” by the American...

Angel Whispers – Implicit Memory

implicit memory

Explicit memories are those that we remember as clear pictures of events in our mind, like the time we went to Disneyland (tee hee)! Implicit memory relies on structures in our brain that are not fully developed. As we mature, we can experience certain events as fuzzy memories, without...