
Angel Whispers – Invitation


Everyone has their own unique human design features. One specific to me seems more like a rule! (tee hee). In essence, inserting myself into situations can lead to a negative outcome. Things don’t go that smoothly unless I am first invited. The question of what is an invitation has...

Angel Whispers – Self Indulgence

self indulgence

Self-indulgence defines behavior with the sole purpose of gaining pleasure for the self. Self-indulgent behavior can also involve not doing something. It’s easy to confuse the search for happiness with the feeling of instant gratification. Feeling pleasure from doing whatever you want is almost impossible for an empath. Self-indulgence...

Angel Whispers – Cognitive Dissonance

cognitive dissonance

“Cognitive dissonance is basically this phenomenon whereby we have a natural drive for consistency, in that our belief system must be consistent with itself and it must be consistent with our actions,” says Matt Johnson PhD. These days consistency is a rarified condition of life on Earth (tee hee)....

Angel Whispers – Meaning


The word meaning is to determine or identify the essential qualities. Existential mattering, coherence, and a sense of purpose are three major predictors of life’s meaning. But according to Pew Research, there are three top answers to the question of the meaning of life. Family or relationships, career, and...

Angel Whispers – Autonomy


Autonomy is defined as freedom from external control or influence. Most relate autonomy to independence. In psychology, autonomy is self-governance and taking personal responsibility. When it comes to independence, we have to consider relatedness as part of our nature as social beings. (tee hee). Relatedness and autonomy are intertwined...

Angel Whispers – Ruin


A whisperee sent a question asking what it means to believe they had ruined their life. My answer was part whisper and part reflection. Ruin implies irrevocable damage of some kind. Immediately you get the sense of the subjective nature involved in such an inquiry. The mere concept leaves...

Angel Whispers – Transition


Transition is defined as the process or a period of changing from one state or condition to another. Change seems to be a constant these days. Transition is a word that some would use in place of change, but they are not the same. Transition describes the inner process...

Angel Whispers – Goblin Mode

goblin mode

In 2022, more than 90% of the 300k people surveyed named goblin mode the word of the year. The Oxford University Press defined this specific term as a type of behavior. Described by some as self-indulgent, a new way of living developed during the pandemic. Working from home influenced...

Angel Whispers – Expression


This week I found myself in front of a Federal judge. I was given the opportunity to express my feelings over the brutal murder of my granddaughter in 2020. Part of my thought process in the preparation of my statement was a question: How do I express something that...

Angel Whispers – The Edge


Some of us are always trying to make sense out this game we call Life. Pondering the existential questions around our very existence places us on the edge every day. I often stand on the precipice of the great divide between creation and pre-creation (tee hee). That edge may...