
Angel Whispers – Succinct


Now more than ever, we feel the pressure to be succinct. All the marketing gurus, motivational speaking coaches, website builders, and writer training courses are saying the same thing: You only have a few seconds to get someone’s attention, and even less time to hold onto their focus. Our...

Angel Whispers – Dharma


When the whisper for the week comes into my awareness, I usually have some sort of reaction. Imagine mine when the whisper of the word dharma came through. The child part of me threw a bit of a tantrum (tee hee). You want me to write about the subject...

Angel Whispers – The Hierarchy of Human Needs

human needs

Abraham Maslow is an American psychologist best known for creating the Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. Maslow created a system of organizing needs, using a pyramid shape to describe his model. The foundational needs are physiological. Food, shelter, clothing, warmth, rest, and basic human needs are basic needs for survival....

Angel Whispers – The Trickster


In his Collected Works, Carl Jung writes: “The trickster motif appears in the unsuspecting modern man whenever, in fact, he feels himself at the mercy of annoying accidents which thwart his will and his actions with apparently malicious intent.” Welcome to the perfect description of the Mercury Retrograde in...

Angel Whispers – Impulsive Behavior


Impulsive behavior is on the increase in my world. With the uncertainty brought by the global pandemic, more people seem to be impulsive. Impulsive behavior are actions poorly conceived and without foresight. They can be inappropriate, risky, or premature expressed. Impulsiveness often leads to poor outcomes and regrets. Being...

Angel Whispers – Satisfaction


My grandson was watching a YouTube video of a truck running over tubes of caulk. Globs of the material would explode out the ends under the weight of the big truck. When I asked what he gets from the video experience, he replied, “It’s SOOOO satisfying!” Then there is...

Angel Whispers – Reversal


Someone was talking about reversal as it relates to thoughts of the future. This sparked something inside of me. Some might call that a trigger (tee hee). Another term for Reversal is Mental Contrasting. A study by the University of Hamburg and New York University revealed some interesting results....

Angel Whispers – Self-Determination


Three universal needs motivate self-determination: competence, connection, and autonomy. Edward Deci and Richard Ryan introduced these ideas in their 1985 book, Intrinsic Motivation and Self-Determination in Human Behavior. They were trying to discover what motivated those driven by a need for growth, development, and personal gain. Self-Determination Theory proposes...

Angel Whispers – Disordered Affection

Defining disordered affection begins with the word affection. Affection refers to emotions or feelings. As they relate to the big picture, emotions express the greater good. The energy behind all my expressions comes from the core, or the seat of my soul. Each spirit has an intended path. Expressing...

Angel Whispers – Magic Moments

magic moment

Beckie and I have been busy finishing our garage conversion into my new workspace/gym flex room. We built a she-shed (garden) and a he-shed (tools). The effort instigated an inventory of stored items in the closet and the offsite storage. I found myself coming across items from my parents,...